Monday 27 February 2012

Research and planning - Pitch Board

This is my pitch board showing my idea of the surroundings, location and mise en scene for my music video. The board creates a love feel that is typical of a pop music video. The use of flowers and sunshine is featured a lot in the pop genre and in artists music videos such a Taylor Swift, she creates a girly love and romance feel to her videos and i feel this will really work in my music video as the artist i have created relates to teenage girls who fantasise about fairytale love. The woods represents lost and links to the music video and it is about a break up. Walking in a big field and swinging alone on a swing shows the idea of thinking and wondering, this also relates to a break up as it gives you time to think and the idea of wonder shows the what if side and how you want the person back who you have broken up with.

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