Tuesday 20 March 2012

Construction - Final Front Cover

This is my Emma Jones Album cover i have created a girly feel to it as it relates to the target audience of teenage girls. I also used curly font as it is stereotypically they type of text girls like and the Pop genre is very stereotypical and the light shining onto the artist shows she is the main focus something Pop uses a lot by close ups in music videos. 

Step by Step of how i make the cover:

I first made the background purple

I then added clouds my clicking filter > render > clouds

After this i added an image of the artist Emma Jones and made the opacity very low
to made it slighting fade to the background. Flowers where then added and blended using 
the opacity and making it lower. Before finishing i adjusted the light and made it brighter 
over the subject i did this by clicking filter > render > lighting effects.

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