Tuesday 20 March 2012

Construction - Final Front Cover

This is my Emma Jones Album cover i have created a girly feel to it as it relates to the target audience of teenage girls. I also used curly font as it is stereotypically they type of text girls like and the Pop genre is very stereotypical and the light shining onto the artist shows she is the main focus something Pop uses a lot by close ups in music videos. 

Step by Step of how i make the cover:

I first made the background purple

I then added clouds my clicking filter > render > clouds

After this i added an image of the artist Emma Jones and made the opacity very low
to made it slighting fade to the background. Flowers where then added and blended using 
the opacity and making it lower. Before finishing i adjusted the light and made it brighter 
over the subject i did this by clicking filter > render > lighting effects.

Research and Planning - Anamatic - Plan for music video

As part of planning my music video i created an anamatic to give me an idea of what my music video would look like and if it worked. I drew quick drawings of my ideas and used movie maker to edit them together. I found it quite hard to put my idea on paper and although i have an idea of what my video will look like i think i will find it much easier to film each section from my ideas in my head rather than from this anamatic, but this is a rough idea of what my music video will look like. By planning it will make me prepared for when I'm filming and if i take the drawings with me i can refer to them to make sure i have each section for the video.

Research and planninf - Lyric Deconstruction

I have deconstructed the lyrics from the song i am creating a music video for. By writing what comes to mind for a music video when reading the lyrics it has helped me to plan my music video. I have gained a lot of ideas for the video and how i can use inspiration from Taylor swifts music videos on showing the loss of someone you love.

Monday 19 March 2012

Research and planning - Audience Profile

This mood board is showing the audience that artists Emma Jones would most likely appeal to. The mood board shows the likes of a typical teenage girl for example watching tv shows such as Xfactor and Britians got talent and listening to music something that Emma Jones' audience love as they have passion for music. Common teenage likes such as going shopping with friends, having a pizza and a movies and gossiping about boys, this all relates to the targeted audience as Emma Jones was once that girl that had a passion for music, never gave up, loves her friends and was a typical teenager. I think it is good that an artist can relate to their audience as it gives a connection between fans and the artist.