Monday 23 January 2012

Research and planning - Taylor Swift- Album cover analysis

Main Image
The main image on this cover is typical of the genre Pop. The artist Taylor swift is looking straight at you to draw you in, and to add a subtle sexy aspect to it. Head and shoulder shots are frequently found on Pop CD covers, this is to make the cover more personal and being for a target audience of teenage girls it concentrates on who the artist is rather than therelook.

Both the background colour and the image colour arevery subtle and naturalcolours this indicates it is promoting naturalbeauty, something many teenagers find difficult to see in themselves. As many fans aspire to be like their idols and try to achieve the same look and by Taylorshowing natural beauty in encourages teenagers to show theirnatural beauty.

The font type for the artists name Taylor Swift is very girly and would indicate that hertarget audience is teenage girls as many stereotypical views on girls is that they love girly swirly patterns and fonts. “FEARLESS” the album title suggests that the image they want to come across is Taylor is fearless and it does this even more by only using one word as the title to get the image across. This will appeal to teenage girls as they are at the age where they are trying to fit in and find themselves. The opposite font from the artists name “Taylor Swift”to the title “Fearless” suggest the album had a girly side to it but the artist is not afraid about what she has to day.

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