Wednesday 11 April 2012

Construction - final finished video

Research and Planning - copyright issues

I sent a letter to Taylor Swifts record label as i needed to seek permission for using Taylor Swidt song "if this was a movie".

Below is the contents of my letter                                                             

To whom this may concern,
My name is Katie Owen I am currently studying A2 media. As part of my coursework I am making a music video and hope to create a video for a fictional artist to the Taylor Swift song “if this was a movie”.
For copy right issues, I would like to receive permission from you to use this track for my video, it will be put on You Tube in order to gain feedback this will add to my overall mark.
I hope this is not a problem and I am able to use the song for my video.
Thank you for your time and consideration
Yours sincerely

Tuesday 10 April 2012

Construction - First Edit Of Music Video

This is the first edit of my music video i posted it on you tube to recieve feedback and i also asked the class for feedback.

Feedback from youtube viewers:
I recieved feedback from YouTube viewers, givng me pros and cons about my video.
Some viwers said my clips were too fast, this will help me when editing my video as i want it to flow and be easy to watch linking each shot.

Feedback from the class:
After showing my video to the class they said some clips were a bit too fast for the genre of music. I will slightly slow down the pans and zooms to set  the mood of a love narrative. As the song is about a break up and the music is slow the speed of the video and edits need to fit.

Friday 6 April 2012

Construction - Final Digi Pak

< ----Front Cover

This is my final Digi Pak i have created on photoshop for my artist Emma Jones. The front cover shows a close up of the artist with light  shining on her face. This relates to the Pop genre and that the main character needs to be the focus. The light also links to the sun, something featured in my music video that also shows a main focus on the artist. The Colour scheme, shades of purple and the use of flowers give a girly feel as the target audience are teenage girls. The Font also gives a girly feel as it is curly, a typical stereotype of what girls like from curly font to pink flowers. The "Unbreakable" text is much more structured and relates to what it says unbreakable.

<----  Booklet inside page 1

This is the first page of the inside leaflet for my digi pak. I have made it so it takes aspects of the front cover. This is because i want the whole digi pak to fit and have a flow to it. By adding a lens flare on top of the Emma Jones image it give that sunlight effect and adds slight purple. I also added lyrics from the song i used for my music video, i really like how this can relate to fans as they will read the line and remember the song making them want to listen to it.

<-----Booklet inside page 2

 This second page shows a collection of images that i created to look like Polaroids. This relates to the idea of the artists being the main focus and the need for close ups in the Pop genre. By making the images look like Polaroids it gives a creative style rather than a normal collage.

<------ Booklet inside page 3

Page 3 had three images looking in to each other. This draws the viewer in to focus on the artist. Lens flares in the left image make it more interesting and shows the artist shines, this is also show in the "if this was a movie" music video when the sunlight shines on Emma Jones face. By adding the lyrics is reinforces a link between the digi pak and the music video.
<----- Booklet inside page 4

Image 4 is very simple and is the last page of the booklet. By darkening the edges it draws you into the artist and again shows her importance.

<----- Back

This is the back of the digi pak. I have used an image that is similar to a clip in my music video showing Emma Jones on a hill. I slightly blurred the image to make the text stand out as i feel the songs are a very important part of the album and Emma Jones is very passionate about her music.
     <----- Side
This is the side of the digi pak it it very clear and simple. The white on black stands out. this
makes it easy to read when on a store shelf.
This is the background that goes under the CD holder.

Construction - Final Advert

This is my final finished advert to advertise Emma Jones tour.
The advert shows Emma fairly close up with her looking down. Light is shining on the artist to draw the viewer to look at her because she is the main focus. The same font is used for "Emma Jones" as her album to raise awareness and for fans to recognise. I have included an image of the Emma Jones album cover to promote the album and added text saying "in stores now" to make you want to buy the album. I have also added Mia Egan as Emma Jones guest star as she was the artist i used in my AS course work, i also added an image of Mia Egan.This will gain more fans for Emma Jones as Mia is a well known artist. Lastly i added in the bottom right corner text saying "tickets on sale now" and a website to buy the concert tickets this will make viewers buy them straight away to get good seats.

Step by Step of how advert was created:

 I first chose the image of my artist Emma Jones and added more light to the top right corner by clicking filter > render > lens flare. I then added the text to the top, and the middle. In the bottom left corner i placed a black square and put an image of Emma Jones album over it and then added the "in stores now" text.

After this i thought the advert needed more so under the middle piece of text i put an image of Mia Egan over a purple square.
Instead of adding a load of information about venues i wrote "tickets on sale now" and a website, this makes the advert a lot clearer and fans can go to the website to find details on venues, time and prices.